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Params Parser

@lottojs/params-parser is one of our built-in middlewares that enable you to parse the query and path parameters coming from http requests.

Supported Parameters

  • Path Parameters
  • Query Parameters

Path Parameters

The path parameters if there are on the handled route always will be available at req.params object and you can retrieve it in 2 ways:

  1. req.params object.
lotto.get('/user/:id', ({ req, res}) => {
  const { id } = req.params;
lotto.get('/user/:id', ({ req, res}) => {
  const { id } = req.params;
  1. req.param helper.
lotto.get('/user/:id', ({ req, res}) => {
  const userId = req.param('id');
lotto.get('/user/:id', ({ req, res}) => {
  const userId = req.param('id');

Query Parameters

The query parameters if there are on the handled route always will be available at req.query object and you can retrieve it in 2 ways:

  1. req.query object.
lotto.get('/user', ({ req, res}) => {
  const { gclid } = req.query;
lotto.get('/user', ({ req, res}) => {
  const { gclid } = req.query;
  1. req.get helper.
lotto.get('/user/', ({ req, res}) => {
  const gclid = req.get('gclid');
lotto.get('/user/', ({ req, res}) => {
  const gclid = req.get('gclid');

Standalone use

Is also possible to use it on a standalone way on other projects that aren't using Lotto.

Whe export a function called paramsParser and expects a parameter containing the url that is being caleld at the moments and returns a function where you can pass the req object coming from your http server and also a next function in order to your project can follow the next calls.

import { createServer } from 'node:http';
import { paramsParser } from '@lottojs/params-parser';

    async (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => {
            paramsParser(req.url)(req, next())
import { createServer } from 'node:http';
import { paramsParser } from '@lottojs/params-parser';

    async (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => {
            paramsParser(req.url)(req, next())


If you are interested on how it works more deep, please take a look on the code on Github.